Tuesday 16 August 2011

Hi Grandma! It's Katie...

On August 7th my last living Grandparent passed away. Amelia Sofie Llewellyn (originally her last name was Sledzianowski). I had been to all of my Grandparents funerals. Although I was too young to go to the viewing of my Mom's mom. I remember each event and the importance of passing to the next life and how everyone felt around me.  This event was no exception. So let me start with what I know...

My Grandma was a super strong lady. She was the youngest of her siblings. She ate cupcakes and cookies while she was growing up and she loved it! She worked in an electronics factory during WWII but didn't really care for it. She married at 21 and had 2 boys (my Dad and my Godfather).  She watched in agony as her husband suffered and died from Emphysema. Then she joined her sister, Beanie, at the senior center for yoga and meals and shopping extravaganzas.  And after living a full full life she quickly passed away at 82.

Every time I called her I would scream in the phone: "Hi Grandma, It's Katie..."  It was hilarious to both of us. And that's how we would start our conversations which usually consisted of how everyone was doing and the latest greatest gossip. She taught me many things... One of the main ones was not to Need material objects as she attempted to break me of my satin when I was a kid. Probably not the best time to teach a kid that lesson but still a very valuable one and one that I will remember always. I know there was a lot more to my Grandma then I'm writing but these are the only things I can think of right now.

I realize that death is a huge fear for mankind and that it is really hard for people to let go. I know I will face this challenge in the future (and I'm scared of that). But for my Grandma I'm not completely sad.  I know that she is in a better place and that her death is not the end of her journey. I'm sad that I won't get to call her or visit her but I know that in the long scheme of things that life is short and there is much much more in store for her in the future, maybe not in this world... but somewhere.

So Grandma... I love you... And I'll see you sooner than later, I'm sure... So in the meantime... Be good, cause your bad!

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