Wednesday 12 October 2011

Fall English Lesson

I bet you thought you knew English. You are so wrong! It feels like we are learning this language all over again and one encounter at a time. 

Did you know in England they call:
Diapers = Nappies
Vegetables or Veggie = Veg
Strollers = Push chair
Mutt (as in dog) = Mongrel
Crazy = Daft
Bacon = Rashers
Chips = Crisps
Fries = Chips
Trash = Rubbish
Trash can = Bin

The conversion rate right now is 1.6 pounds to the $1 US.  It is starting to get dark at 6pm. They don't go Trick or Treating here because of superstition.  So I hear. There are a bunch of Harvest type festivals though. They still do ghost tours too. Ghost tours are big tourist business here. Lots of people have died in England so I guess you can cash in with the tourists.  Which brings me to another fact, tourist season is in the summer so there are cheaper rates now if you come here.

English people do not like Pumpkins! They don't understand why Americans like pumpkins. They will carve them but they don't eat them! On a medium pumpkin here we paid 3pounds which equals $4.80 US. It was outrageous!

Here's a good picture of Brian enjoying the Fall. Mike keeps trying to tell him that he isn't going to be an only child in like a week but I don't think he understands. He's a good dog though.

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