Thursday 1 December 2011

Traveling with a Baby! Aunt Mandy and Uncle Charlie visit!

Sophie, Me, Aunt Mandy and Uncle Charlie in York, UK

Us at some Ruins on the way to the North Sea
So Aunt Mandy and Uncle Charlie came to visit!  We decided to show them around as much as we could with the baby in tow. What a fun adventure!  Our song when the baby was sad was... "We are having a good time, we are having a good time..."

So where did we go and what did we do??? Well.. we hit up the North sea coast and York. York was Sophie's first hotel over night stay. And she really enjoyed it! We did pretty much everything (even breakfast in the morning)! Except when it came to feeding time. Me and Sophie would hit the car or a coffee shop or the York Minster to feed her. For some reason church is really accommodating to breast feeding moms. (see previous blog post for picture).

Charlie & Mandy on the York Minster  tour
Any way, travelling with a baby wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. We ended up driving everywhere since I wanted to always have the van available for feeding time. But really we could have taken the train and been fine.  Of course, we packed the whole kitchen sink. Aunt Mandy and Uncle Charlie only had one bag to the babies 5 or 6. :)  In any case, we really didn't need that much. Sophie was fine as long as she had a clean diaper, a full belly and a warm place to hang out. (the sling works perfectly for a warm spot)
Charlie's Ruins! York

So travelling with a baby is harder on me than on the baby.  She doesn't care where she is as long as she is with us. And that's how we like it!

Thank you to Mandy and Charlie for coming to England and helping us out with the baby! We hope you had a great time and will come back soon!

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