Monday 23 January 2012

Peaks District, UK

Matlock Bath
1st trip of 2012! Peaks district in England!

So there is a WWII story that goes like this: Once upon a time there was a Nazi spy that parachuted into England to steal secrets.  He didn't parachute just anywhere it was in the snow filled peaks. True story! The parachute was in a museum that we went to in London and I remember hearing a little boy say to his mom "there are no mountains in England".  So Mike and I asked around and sure enough there are some Peaks and they are in the Peak district. I don't know if this is where the Nazi parachuted in to but I can only assume that is the case.

So this Peaks district is on the way north past Nottingham (really there is a place called Nottingham) It's towards Sheffield (the town that was featured in The Full Monty - good movie). Any way, we stayed in Matlock Bath. And now since visiting Bath we know that any town name that includes Bath in it is built on top of a natural hot spring. It was really neat and our hotel seemed really old and maybe a little haunted. We visited Matlock, Bakewell (home of the amazing Bakewell tart), Buxton (where the bottled water comes from) and a couple little towns between. 

So your probably wondering what is there to do? Well hike, rock climb, kayak, eat and drink! You know... the usual... We had an excellent time hiking around.  And here during your hikes you walk through farms of sheep or cows grazing. It makes for a real interesting walk.

So I think we will be going to the Peaks district more and more. It's only 2.5 hours away from our house and a good place to go for some outdoor activities.

<-----------Daddy and Baby eating at the Pub!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Confessions of a New Mom Yogini

My little one is 11 weeks old tomorrow! 

She is growing and learning so quickly. I can hardly keep up with all her changes. And now I find myself putting my needs to the side. (I think this is a common practice among 1st time moms.) Balance has always been hard for me and now I'm finding it really hard. Mainly due to guilt!

I feel guilty if I'm not spending every moment with her. 
I feel guilty that I'm not doing my yoga practice. 
I feel guilty that I'm not reading enough baby books. 
I feel guilty that I haven't started my exercise program.
I feel guilty that I don't rock her to sleep for every nap.
I feel guilty that I want to teach one night a week.
I feel guilty that our dog isn't getting his daily walk.
I feel guilty that I haven't worked up new lesson plans.
I feel guilty that I don't want to learn how to cook. 
I feel guilty that I'm on the computer right now writing this while my little one is on her play mat giggling away!

The guilt is overwhelming! And now I know that I have to come back to my practice is some way. Staying calm and just doing whatever I can to come back to the mat. I even put my mat in my bedroom so I could get up, roll it out and just salute the sun. Any little bit helps. It makes me feel accomplished. Like I did something for the day and that I'm not failing as a yogi, yoga teacher and mother.

So as always I try to remember to breath, to live with intention and purpose. And to do the best that I can right now in this moment. After all right now is a Present!

Holiday Happenings

Now that the holidays have come and gone let's re-cap!

Baby's 1st Christmas was amazing! When typically we would have a marathon of opening presents and gift giving; this year we were forced to take our time. The baby had to take a nap in between all the gift opening. Funny how a baby makes you slow down. Friends and Family all sent gifts for her too. We dressed her up in all kinds of stuff and when we were done it was already 2pm. Time for dinner making! I should also say that it was amazing having Grandma here too! It really blended our old traditions and the new one's we want to create! Definitely the best!

Don't think we missed an opportunity to do a bit of travel. We ended up going on drives to Norwich and to Winpole Estates for some post holiday walking detox. And yes, we forced Grandma out and about! We got some great shots of all the places we went. And then on New Years eve we had a Daddy, Grandma and baby all sleeping.  Mommy stayed up to wake everyone up for the big fireworks.  Which were outstanding in London. No Dick Clark or Ryan Secress just live footage of Big Ben almost being lit on fire. Best fireworks I've ever seen and we've been to DC during 4th of July. No comparison!

So here is to 2012! I know we're half way through January but may your 2012 be amazing!