Tuesday 10 January 2012

Confessions of a New Mom Yogini

My little one is 11 weeks old tomorrow! 

She is growing and learning so quickly. I can hardly keep up with all her changes. And now I find myself putting my needs to the side. (I think this is a common practice among 1st time moms.) Balance has always been hard for me and now I'm finding it really hard. Mainly due to guilt!

I feel guilty if I'm not spending every moment with her. 
I feel guilty that I'm not doing my yoga practice. 
I feel guilty that I'm not reading enough baby books. 
I feel guilty that I haven't started my exercise program.
I feel guilty that I don't rock her to sleep for every nap.
I feel guilty that I want to teach one night a week.
I feel guilty that our dog isn't getting his daily walk.
I feel guilty that I haven't worked up new lesson plans.
I feel guilty that I don't want to learn how to cook. 
I feel guilty that I'm on the computer right now writing this while my little one is on her play mat giggling away!

The guilt is overwhelming! And now I know that I have to come back to my practice is some way. Staying calm and just doing whatever I can to come back to the mat. I even put my mat in my bedroom so I could get up, roll it out and just salute the sun. Any little bit helps. It makes me feel accomplished. Like I did something for the day and that I'm not failing as a yogi, yoga teacher and mother.

So as always I try to remember to breath, to live with intention and purpose. And to do the best that I can right now in this moment. After all right now is a Present!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great!! There are only so many hours in the day and your little one is only little for a short amount of time. So enjoy her and what ever else you can. By the way these are the things I feel guilty about:

    I feel guilty if I'm not spending every moment with her.
    I feel guilty that I cannot pay my hubby enough attn.
    I feel guilty that I'm not doing my yoga practice.
    I feel guilty that our dogs are not getting any walks.
    I feel guilty that I don't want to cook.
    I feel guilty that I leave work as soon as I can and I never log on from home.
    I feel guilty that I rarely see my friends.

    I do feel great that she is growing steadily and is clearly a happy baby! That is all that really matters to me :)
