Monday 12 August 2013

Camping in the UK - North Wales

North Wales is by far the most beautiful place in all of the UK!

And I'm not just saying that because my family may or may not be from there. It was seriously, breath taking!  And if you come to visit us, we will try to take you there!

Prince Llewelyn 
On another furlough adventure we stayed in Snowdonia National Park.  Huge mountains! Fantastic landscapes and more history and castles than you could ever imagine. And I mean prehistoric history... Lots of stone circles and burial chambers, Roman ruins, and castles built by the two Llewelyn's!

We took a train to the top of Snowdonia Mountain and considered hiking back (until we realized we have a toddler). We checked out a Slate mine, harassed some church ladies, visited several towns, burial chambers and castles and I would still go back there in a heart beat.

Toddler attempting to run off Snowdonia mountain
In a previous life, you could probably find Mike and I rock climbing in a place like this... but a las we will need to wait for Sophie to get older to join us.

Beauty comes with a price though... On our 3 day adventure there it rained for 24 hours straight. When we got there we picked a camp site near a little stream and thought nothing of if. After 24 hours of rain I was convinced we would be washed away by the stream that turned into a river with a waterfall. Luckily, we were okay! We did have to finally splurge and buy Sophie her first pair of Wellington's (rain boots) due to the tireless effort to keep her shoes dry. But even with all that rain... it was still gorgeous!

Your history lesson for today is: North Wales was the last hold out by the Welsh against the English. This is the land where Llewelyn the Great and Prince Llewelyn came from. And if you go there you can see why they wanted to hold out. Prince Llewelyn was killed in battle by the army sent my Edward I (also known as Longshanks). (side note: one of my best friends last name is Shanks - coincidence?) Edward I then went to Wales and built a series of expensive castles so that he would hold control.  The Welsh people that basically gave Llewelyn up told the King that they would betray Llewelyn if he gave them a Prince that didn't speak English and that was born in Wales. So Edward did just that.  His wife was pregnant and gave birth to their son at Caernarfon Castle in North Wales. They say that he was born in the castle but turns out that the castle wasn't completed at the time of his birth. But any way, Edward took his son and presented him to the people and said here is your Prince of Wales; born here and doesn't speak any English. =/ And so started the tradition of the English monarch's son being the Prince of Wales...
Caernarfon Castle

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