Friday 29 July 2011

Baby update! 28 weeks!!!

So the baby is 28 weeks today! Yeah, baby!  She is getting big and very pushy.  We had our 28 week check up today and everything is normal.  I know sometimes that's weird to hear because we always hear of pregnancy horror stories (I've stopped watching all pregnancy dramas on tv) but so far she is normal and I'm normal and everything is normal.  Even after eating a ton of chocolate in Belgium I still passed my glucose test with flying colors and my blood pressure continues to be great. Woo hoo for me and baby! 

We are continuing to be super active. We bike ride, go swimming, practice yoga (of course) and do tons and tons of walking.  I am starting to notice that some things are getting weird. My belly is getting bigger and depending on the day bending over can be difficult. But we are continuing our lives and living everyday as much as we can.

So now we are thinking Birth.  Where to bring the baby into the world? We interviewed the base hospital and their midwifes participate in Active Labor Management so I think we may actually try to use the UK system where they prefer natural labor methods (they even have birthing pools) rather than ALM.  Mike and I are preparing for the baby by participating in Hypnobirthing classes which is a lot like yoga birthing. It mainly promotes breathing and relaxation. So it looks like we will try to do it naturally.  If special circumstances arise of course they will have OB back ups. Which is great but I think when in Rome (or the UK) do as the Romans do.... =)  So the interviews will continue... in between all the traveling of course... and eventually we will have a new member of our traveling team! 

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