Thursday 21 July 2011

Fun rich people houses....

So short post on this and I'll be all caught up! In the UK there are a bunch of memberships that you can get to go see places of interest around the whole country.  It's kinda like our National Park membership but instead of Parks (there are some parks) it's a lot of rich peoples houses.  We thought this would be a good membership to have since the locals do it mostly and it would be a good so when we want to get out with the baby we would have places to go see. So typically, we go on Sunday's right now and just take a day trip. Get a coffee, check out the rich guys house and gardens and do a lot of walking around.

So the rich family at Ickworth were generations of wealth and then when they got to the 6th and 7th generation it all fell apart.  Luckily the 5th generation knew his kids were screw up so he gave the house to the National Trust in his will.  But again with the British drama the 6th and 7th generation were locked up for drug and gun smuggling in the 60's.

Anglesey Abby
Anglesey Abby was purchased by a wealthy American (oil family). This place was once an Abby and was shut down until the wealthy American came along and fixed it all up and made it a real amazing house to keep his art collection. Inside is a tribute to the 1930's.  He also created all these gardens around the house. This picture above reminded me of the trees that line Central Park in NYC. A home away from home, I think.
And Mike said in our next house he is going to make something like this. He just needs to start collecting garden tchotchkes now. =)

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