Tuesday 21 February 2012

Glastonbury - Fact or Fiction???

Fact or Fiction?!?! 
St. Michaels Tower
We hit Glastonbury on the way home from Devon. Glastonbury is situated in Somerset near Bath and was once a very big religious town. It rivaled Canterbury. I bet you didn't know that. =)  Any way, Glastonbury has been a tourist hub for centuries. Their claim to fame is that Joesph of Arimathea, Jesus's Uncle, came here and brought with him the Holy Grail (of the cup from the last supper).  Here he started the First church.  True or not, Glastonbury is cashing in on the tourists!  Supposedly the cup of Christ is in the Well here and the spring now has healing powers. We didn't try the water but a bunch of people were.

From the Top
There is a huge Tor in Glastonbury too. And the St. Michael's Tower sits a top it.  St. Michael is typically used on old Pegan sites but this tower is amazing and has a great view from it. 

The view
The other claim to fame is that King Arthur and Queen Genevieve are buried in the Abbey ruins here.   Now we know that King Arthur was an English legend but the Abbey believes that he was real and that his body is now buried in their ruins.  This could have been a push for more tourism after Canterbury became more of a religious hub.  

In any case, fact or fiction... Fact! The Archbishop of Glastonbury questioned King Henry the 8th during the dissolving of the churches and because of that he was hung on the Tor and quartered and the Abbey that was situated in Glastonbury was turned to ruins.  You would think then that this place wouldn't be a hub for spirituality but alas it is. Lots of friendly people and every spiritual practice you ever thought of can now be found here. Take a tour of the abbey ruins, drink the healing spring water, climb the Tor or get your cards read. 

All in a day...                                     

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