Wednesday 29 February 2012


My priorities are....

1. Baby 
2. Dog
3. Husband
4. Planning Travel
5. Teaching 
6. Self

So recently I've been getting up at 7am to walk Brian while the baby sleeps.  I wouldn't say it's a routine yet but I'm hoping that it will turn into one. Poor Brian has been suffering in the priority scheme and I decided to move him up a notch.  After all he is our 1st child and deserves some attention. So for the last 3 days I have taken him on an hour early morning walk.  Some days are harder than others considering that I haven't been getting much sleep lately.  But after getting some crisp English air in my lungs and walking it out for an hour, I get home and feel great! And I find I get more done too. And I'm eating better.

With a lack of sleep comes a lack of caring what goes into my mouth. And when I'm tired I eat more often and less than healthy things. But after waking up and walking it out it seems like my head is clear and I can think quicker.  It's nice. I hope it stays a habit.

Now if I can only shake that afternoon sleepy time... Oh, and Sophie is 4 months!

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