Monday 2 April 2012

It's the simple things

Ely dog walk
Like how shopping carts are called trolleys and don't just move forward and back but can go any which way.  Or how you can always find a market. Or how the bushes are called hedge and they are always nicely manicured. 

It's been a month since my last post and things have been adding up. We haven't been sitting around. Although some weekends are great when we do that. I love snuggling as a family on Saturday or Sunday mornings. It's the best! But we have been on the move and preparing for journeys that will come.

Sophie and Brian in our backyard aka Garden
With Spring and our 1 year anniversary of moving to England fast approaching Mike and I started thinking of all the things that we will miss when we leave England. It's amazing how fast you become acquainted with a place and make it your home.  Now we take things for granted that we see as daily life.

Like how a vacuum cleaner is called a Hoover. No matter what brand it is.  Or how a Stroller is called a Pushchair, Pram or Buggy. Or how you can get tea no problem anywhere! Life is a little slower and everyone seems to enjoy themselves. Garden center's have more than just plant supplies and nothing like Home Depot! Picnics are a daily activity on a nice day, and let's not forget tax free shopping on the base.

Ely dog walk
It's been 10 months and a new job and a new baby since we left the US and just now am I realizing that it will be hard to leave all this behind in 3 to 5 years. (there I go thinking of the future again) I already think about the friends we have made here and miss them. Don't get me wrong I miss everyone from home too. And I can't wait to come back to the states to see our family and friends.  But it's so interesting when you leave your comfortable home to travel outside of your comfortable box.  Maybe you'll learn something interesting about a culture. Like when you order water sometimes it's assumed you want sparkling water.  Or if you want a pickle and cheese sandwich it's not always pickled cucumbers that are the pickles. And the cheese is almost always shredded. Or why almost everyone wears a red poppy pin.

So now we have broken in living abroad and at first it was hard. But given the opportunity to go any where else in the world, we will take it. After living in the same place for 29 years I almost regret not living and experiencing other cultures. Not that I'm any smarter for living in a different country but now I'm beginning to understand a different group of people and a different set of traditions that will ultimately shape our family.

I have a feeling that I will barely make a dent in my personal goal to see as much as I can before I die. But at least I can say that I tried and I wasn't afraid to take those first steps.  And with any luck, Sophie will learn that she doesn't have to be afraid either.

1 comment:

  1. It was a beautiful thing for us too when realized that FL is home. In ways I love that we grew up in the same place and stayed for so long. I think it gives us a sense of roots. We can't wait to live somewhere abroad but for now we'll settle for short term trips :)
