Wednesday 30 May 2012

Time passes

Has it really been a month since my last post? Geesh... time flys...

What have we been up to... Well let's see...
1. Grandma Llewellyn and Aunt Mandy visited
2. Sophie's 1st international trip to the Netherlands for the Tulip festival
3. Grandpa Llewellyn and Me ma Cathy visited
4. Cousin Jim and Donna Spillman visited
5. Sophie's 2nd international trip to Belguim
6. Uncle Dave and Aunt Anjel visited

Wow! That's a lot!  And we aren't slowing down in the least...
Next up we have the:
1. Queen's Diamond Jubilee parties
2. Celebrating our 1 year anniversary of moving to England
3. Welcoming Mike's Uncle who is moving to England
4. 7 day road trip to Ireland with Pop pop Pat
5. A little Olympic Action
6. And possibly a trip to Rome

Sophie is now 7 months old and growing like a weed! She is crawling like a champ and already trying to walk. She is very busy exploring and mastering all that life has to offer a little baby. Brian the dog has found a new hobby of chasing cows. A great example of city dog gone country.  Mike is getting over a 3 week sickness. And starting to train for a 60 mile bike ride that is happening in 3 weeks. I'm getting back to my schedule. Teaching yoga 2 days a week and raising this baby.

Next week marks 1 year we have been in England. Wow! Time keeps on slipping... slipping... slipping.. into the future.

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