Monday 13 August 2012

Canterbury Tales

What is a trip to the UK without an English lit stop in Canterbury. After all that's what our blog is named after.Did you have to read the Canterbury tales? I did. Famous for it's multiple themes and for being written in Middle English rather than Latin. A story of a bunch of peoples journey to Canterbury to a holy spot.

lighting points to the death spot
The story goes like this: Henry II needed a priest that would do what he said so he turned to his drinking circle of buddies. There he found Thomas Becket. Thomas agreed to be the archbishop of Canterbury.  He found holy inspiration in his new found position and so went against the King in his decisions. At some point the King said "will no one rid me of this priest"?  Well 4 knights over heard him and took him seriously. They headed to the Canterbury Cathedral and murdered the Archbishop right inside the church. Christians were stunned! The Archbishop was buried and that's when the miracles began! The Pope made Thomas a saint and pilgrims began to flock to the cathedral to gain a little miracle for themselves. The Canterbury Tales are about these pilgrims. All walks of life went on this journey just to pray at Thomas Becket's memorial.  Well then good old Henry VIII got rid of the body of Thomas Beckett so that pilgrims would stop coming to the Cathedral. But they still come! Even to this day!

Black Knight
Amazing and interesting! The Cathedral isn't that grand in my opinion. I would say the York Minster is way more impressive but the history and lore is enough to bring me in. Canterbury is now the head quarters of the Anglican Church. Inside the cathedral you can feel the importance of times gone.  The tomb of the Black knight is there. The original knight in shining amour. Yes, he was a real guy! And the place where Thomas Beckett took his last breath.

For our home-town Marylanders... there is a plaque to the 1st bishop of Maryland who came from Canterbury and his relatives became the mayor of Canterbury. Go Maryland!

I'd say on a trip to the UK, Canterbury deserves 1 day.  PS - we had the best Indian food there on the high street. And the Tourist information center is incredible helpful. Visit the Canterbury Tales story show. Totally worth it!

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