Tuesday 13 November 2012

And on top of that... I volunteer...

In a former life I was passionate about Events. All kinds of events! Weddings, Birthday's, meetings, conferences, you name it... I liked planning it. When I was laid off in 2009 I decided I would never go back to the life that I had as an event planner. I was so stressed out. I grinded my teeth, I didn't sleep much, I worked all kinds of hours, I drank more, I ate badly and all in all I was a pretty cut throat mean person to those who loved me. I came to yoga and totally relaxed into a new lifestyle but the passion was still there. I found myself planning my sister's 30th birthday, SPCA fundraisers, holiday parties, weddings and our very own going away party.  I even acquired an award for event planning while I was laid off. Weird! I know...

Now 3 years and 1 baby later I have come back to events. I know I will never get away from them so with open arms I move forward into this dharma. (Dharma means life work!)

So what does an overseas lady do with events?!? Well she volunteers in the Protocol Office at the base, that's what! I've been in the office for a couple months and I've already learned so much. "Protocol is the set of rules prescribing good manners in official life and in ceremonies involving governments and nations and their representatives "  Following good protocol will help eliminate embarrassing situations. Example: The US constitution says that the US Flag will always "Fly Free".  Therefore, the US flag can not be pinned or affixed to anything to hinder it to fly free. What if you went to a different country and the flag was taped down?!? You would probably be pretty offended. Well, other countries have these rules as well. And protocol helps people know what the do's and don'ts are so people don't get offended. Offence causes misunderstanding and misunderstandings can start wars.

So off I go to learn as much as I can and hopefully give the base a little of myself in return.