Tuesday 13 November 2012

Sophie's 1st Birthday

1 year ago, Sweet Sophie was born!

It's been a long road from little baby to walking, babbling little human. Sophie has been to 6 countries and has met lots of people along the way. Her first year was packed with visits from family and friends. Play dates that include baby yoga, Waterbabies, massage, rhyme time, play groups, buggy boot camp, baby sign language, etc, etc.  Lots and lots to do when you have a baby.

For Sophie's 1st Birthday I was told that you have family and friends over to celebrate and that it's usually a big party. Well I was a little worried that we didn't have very many friends and we are so far away from home I didn't think any family would come. Boy, was I wrong! 13 babies, 14 parents of babies, 2 under 5 kids, 5 family members later we were able to create a super 1st birthday atmosphere.

Party shot!
When we moved here I was really nervous that we would be lonely but that is the farthest thing from my mind now. We have the some amazing and super generous friends here and I will be sad to go when the time comes.

Sophie still remains my greatest teacher! And I know it will only get more challenging and sweet as the journey continues. I'm amazed that I have been able to nurture and at very least keep this baby alive for a whole year. Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Baby!

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