Thursday 3 January 2013

New Year, New You! A yogic perspective...

Every new years is the same thing... resolution time. 
What will I do differently? What do I want to change about myself? 

 A couple years ago I decided to Hell with resolutions. I'm not even going to think about it. But for some reason it's so engrained in my psyche that I can't escape thinking about how I would like to be different.  We all have things that we would like to improve on but for some unknown reason I always stray to the negative. I frankly want to change myself! reinvent myself! be different! be a combination of all the best qualities of the people I have met. I want to be kind and patient and knowledgeable.  I want to flow through my practice with ease and most of all...  I want to feel comfortable in my own skin.  In my head this is perfection.... and

I want to be perfect!
But darn it, I'm human.  And I know deep down that I am already perfect. There is a light that glows inside of me and I've seen bits and pieces of the flicker during moments of clarity. But darn it, I'm human! And sometimes I forget about the light burns inside me.

So for this year, as I was multitasking a baby nap, dog walk and a run: I thought to myself: What should I do in 2013? What is my personal goal?  And immediately this is what I thought....

1. To listen more, talk less - I'm a chatter... and the worst kind of chatter. I like most, like to talk about myself. So this year, I will be talking less and listening more. My soap box is already in the bin!

2. Letting go of fear - I fear a lot of things. I fear those around me leaving me, I fear failure, I fear success and physically I fear headstand. I teach it! I demo it! But I don't do it in my personal practice. I'm afraid! And this year I will let go of fear so that I can live a less fearful life. 

3. I will find some kind of Balance - In my life and in my practice. There will be hard times and easy times but I will be working on keeping the scales of balance even.

4. I will love myself! - Because this is who I am. My personal stories have helped mould me into the person I have become. And darn it! I'm human but I'm perfect just the way I am.

So rather than thinking you need to shed some weight or you need to make an extra million. Why not accept yourself for who you really are. Honor yourself because after all there is a light that shines in you. I've seen it! It's beautiful! 

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