Thursday 31 January 2013

Car Accident

Usually I take a different route, usually Sophie is in the car.  But today was different. Today I had my 1st car accident in the UK. Here are the facts...

Who: just me
When: 7am today
Where: On the way out of Ely headed to the base
Who's fault: not mine

My first car accident was right after I got my drivers license when I was 17. I will never forget it. I was working at the Flower shop on Easter and on my way home I was stopped at a red light. I dropped something and went to pick it up and slowly rolled into the car in front of me. I was devastated! Luckily, I've never been in a serious car accident. But the few that I have been in has always taken my breath away.

So today, driving along and bam (insert slow motion) hit in the side. I was on the way to the base to do my volunteer shift and usually Sophie would be with me. But, luckily Mike has night work this week so he was home with her. And I usually don't take this route. Le sigh... Everyone was fine but shaken up a bit. The girl that hit me was obviously on the way to work and both of us were just shaken.

The hardest part is that we're in a foreign country. I know what to do when in an accident in the US but what do you do in the UK? And the whole not knowing what to do is the hardest part.  So I called the Police. And they said if no one is injured then call a recovery service for the cars. So we have spent hundreds of £'s on AA (yes AA not AAA) and I call them and they can't help.  So Mike to the rescue (as always) to take pictures and drive the poor Panda home.  It's that stiff upper lip, get on with it British attitude. Even the gal who hit me after the shock subsided just got on with it. And.... well.... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. For me, I'm still trying to figure out why I'm so tired and have a headache.

All in all.... it was one heck of an ending to January. I'm glad this month is finally on the way out.  And as for my poor Panda... she will be sleeping in a garage for awhile. 


  1. It's a good thing that no one got hurt because of the accident. But, what you're feeling is just a minor trauma caused by the accident due to the stress and tension of being involved in it. What happened to your car? I mean did the girl pay for it? Its her fault, so she should pay for the damages, right? You should probably call a lawyer and ask if you can sue for the damages the accident cost you.

    Cristy Witherspoon

  2. It’s really hard to be in an accident when you’re in a foreign land. In your case, I can see that your poor Panda has no choice but to sleep at your garage. I’m glad that you’re not injured after the accident. Next time, I suggest you do some research about the basic law of every place that you’re about to go to, just to be sure on what you have to do in case of emergency. :)

    -Erminia Cavins-
