Friday 1 February 2013

Fuertaventura - The windy Island

It's Winter time in England and completely miserable. Cold, dreary, dark and damp... This is why people get the SADD. So this year we found a cheap trip south! To the Canary Islands.

So here's some facts:
The Canary Islands are off the coast of Northern Africa
The sand is like the sand in the dessert of Northern Africa
They are in line with Florida/Georgia in the US
Fuertaventura is pronounced: Foourta Ventura
The Canary Islands are owned by Spain
On Fuertaventura the British go North and the Germans go South

So we found this amazing cheap all inclusive deal for 2 adults and 1 baby. 4 hour plane ride with a super curious 15 month old. A little challenging but nothing we couldn't handle. Plus, perfect opportunity to teach Plane in Sign language. (side note: Sophie already knew the sign due to Mike's place of employment - genius!)

lava rock headed into the ocean
Right off the plane, we headed to the rental car place. Picked up our car and off we went, SOUTH! As you drive along it's dessert! And not just dessert like in Vegas or Arizona.  It's like Sahara dessert sand. Beautiful and still! And as you keep driving Mountains peak up into the sky and the valleys become long with old lava rock. Volcano's! the whole island is a cluster of volcano's. A beautiful warm cluster of volcanic Islands perfect for winter time. And perfect for some sun and fun!

at the hotel
After arriving at our hotel we decided to take a drive around to check it out. The Island is literally a 2 hour drive to see everything. But the roads are a little tricky. Several cliffs and ditches along the road cause scary driving conditions. But the Island is beautiful and bare! And this is the reason it's the windy Island. Low brush, sand and rock. No real trees to block the wind.  But the island is so simple yet so complex. Lagoon's created in the lava rock from ages past with little swimming life generated. And truly these were blue lagoons. Wide open landscape with sand, mountains, rock and water. What more could you ask for?

unsure of sand
discovery of seashell treasure!
liking sand
This was also Sophie's first opportunity to feel sand between her toes. She loves walking in grass and other fun/gross things. I thought for sure she would love it. However, we are in the 15 month old Unsure of everything phase. And her new favorite words are No, No, No. So we gave it a try and at first she didn't like it. But after a day and a couple sea shell treasures, she finally loved it. There is something truly amazing as a child's first encounter with a new texture. Have you ever taken the time to just feel sand between your fingers? I love that she helps me slow down and re-live these small simple pleasures.

Our mini 4 day vacation was amazing and relaxing. The mainly German speaking resort that we stayed at was wonderful.  And it makes me appreciate the other ways human communicate to each other besides language. Having a baby in a foreign country is an open opportunity for people to talk to you. Everyone loves babies! And when you don't speak the same language, some how... when your talking about babies... the message always seems to get across.  It's a universal body language, a universal connection that all humans have. To care for each other and to help one another. And I love being a part of this living breathing Rock.
I can't wait for our next trip!

PS - I was able to sneak in a yoga class. =)

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