Monday 6 May 2013

Random thought on... Suffering...

I think that so far this is the best 'period in time' to live!

I know this is a general assessment but really after studying some English and European history (and knowing American history) I'm really starting to be grateful that we as humans have come so far. And it got me to thinking... Through history people died a lot earlier from all sorts of reasons. Sometimes childbirth, sometimes social deviation, sometimes from other animals and sometimes from just not knowing the world around them.  But we (as humans) have come so far in just a little bit of time.

Consider that the (most famous - Black death) plagues were just in the 1300's and after that people were just so used to seeing death and dying that it was a normal, everyday thing to see public executions and tortures.  I especially think about this since we are living in England now. Throughout history the English were brutal (living here I think it's due to the weather) but they really had to be to keep social order.  This from a culture that now doesn't even allow guns.  But just a couple centuries ago it wouldn't have been anything out of the norm to see a head on a stake as you walked to the market.

So far we have come... And with the recent discovery of Jamestown in Virginia with the reports of cannibalism in the 1600's. I'm seriously amazed and shocked at the lengths that people will go to survive. (I don't know if I could ever do that) And this got me thinking...

All these instances in history have been brought about by suffering. Some sort of suffering. And this is something I have no concept of.  Because I live in 2013 as an educated western woman. I am free, I have the choice to go to school or not, I have the choice to work or not, I have the choice to be married or not. But back then we all had less choices. (And even just a generation ago we had less choices.)  Just a couple hundred years ago almost everyone saw a dead body! I've personally only ever seen an embalmed body at a funeral home (knock on wood). I think seeing a real dead person or a person being killed has different effects (I'm sure studies have been done) mentally and emotionally then viewing a body at a funeral home.

Any way, the point that I'm rambling on about is Suffering... I really think this is the best 'period of time' to live in because we suffer less. Don't get me wrong we still suffer... but rather than suffering because we are starving to death or there is a plague killing our families; now we are suffering because we are looking for our 'true self' or we are suffering because we can't stop ourselves from eating chocolate or because we just can't seem to get that corner office or because 'real' happiness is just out of reach. We are suffering for a whole nother (nother is not a word, but I like it) reason. But is it equal?!?! I don't know....

**I usually have these random thought conversations with my husband and he graciously reminded me that this thought process can only be applied to western culture. Because other people around the world still do suffer because they are starving and they are seeing their families being killed.  And it reminds me to be grateful for where I am today. And it puts my suffering into perspective, because what I think is a struggle is superficial in the bigger picture.**

Discuss among yourselves....

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