Saturday 11 June 2011

Bury St. Edmonds

Bury St. Edmond is on my list of places to live. It's a cool little town with 2 brewery's and lots of charm. The biggest part of the town is this Cathedral. Before this Cathedral was here there was an old Abby.  The story goes that King Edmond (600ish) was martyred for being Christian. And after that the Abby was built. It was huge! But it was taken apart by Henry VIII's decision to no longer follow the Catholic church. (The town still says they will never forgive him for tearing down the Abby - that's a long grudge). And now the Abby stands in ruins behind the new Cathedral (new by meaning 1700's).
 There are also these awesome Gardens behind the Cathedral and a little bird sanctuary.  It was pretty neat and really old.

In addition to the Cathedral we hit our first English pub! It was awesome. Since I'm pregnant I got to get a soup rather than a beer. The food is bland but they have the best spicy mustard ever! So there are ways to spice things up.

Other than that fun trip we are having trouble on the base getting our Id's. It's been really tough since we really can't leave the hotel. No food shopping, bank setting up, no hospital visits, no post office, nothing.  The ID is the golden ticket and we can't leave the base or use the amenities without it. It's really hard to be trapped and feel like an alien all at the same time.  And with all that said there is a limited tour to Stonehenge tomorrow that we paid non-refundable tickets for and the next tour isn't for several months. So we are breaking free! And gonna take our chances with the authorities to go to the inner circle.  Should be fun!

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