Monday 13 June 2011


Things on my see before I die list... Stonehenge.  And now that's a big check off the long list!
I've always wanted to see this prehistoric site. Built during the same time as Egypt's pyramids, in phases between 3000 and 1000 BC, this site was really important to the people of the area.  There are multiple theories for why Stonehenge was built. As a circle it is remarkably accurate as a celestial calender. But there have also been many discoveries of burial sites around the monument.  In fact there are large mounds surrounding the monument that may have been separate smaller sites.  There have also been a lot of archaeological finds that indicate that lots of parties have been around the space. Most likely these parties were to celebrate the summer solstice. Lots of animals bones, pottery, etc.
This is a picture from the inner circle through the line of the summer solstice to the Heel Stone.  If it was sunny your would be able to see the solstice here. Today you can't just go into the Inner circle. There are special tours at the end of the day that allow you to go in with supervision. Since the late 80's they have stopped allowing people to just to walk around freely.  Mainly because people would take pieces of the stones or graffiti the stones.
Stonehenge is a special place to many people. Some believe that there is great energy in the inner circle and all I can tell you is that once we entered we were smiling! We went on a wet and rainy day. We were completely water logged and pretty miserable but once walking into the magnificence of the stones and taking steps back into history it was all smiles.  It is an amazing place and was definitely worth every moment!


  1. Very awesome, about how long did it take to get from your place to the location?

    Always seemed very small, but from the pic's it looks allot bigger.

  2. It took 3hr 21min one way on a tour bus.

  3. Great stuff! Might have to journey there when we visit!
