Thursday 16 June 2011

Things I've learned!

There are many many differences between American and British!  
Let's talk...
Laid off = made redundant
Fag = Cigarette
Faggot = Meatballs
Lory = Truck
Hedge = Bushes
Sedan = Saloon

Car keys don't look like keys. And some house keys look like old skeleton keys.
All dog signs that we've seen so far are all Scotty dogs!

How about drinking and driving???
It is legal for a 5 year old in their own house under parent supervision to drink a beer. 
Legal age to purchase alcohol is 18.
If you are 16 or 17 with a legal guardian you are allowed 1 alcoholic beverage at dinner.
In a bar or pub they do not seat you or take your order. You look at your table number and order at the bar. 
Blood alcohol level must not be above .08 - just like home!

It is legal to have 1 beer and drive. It is illegal to have more.
It is illegal to have car keys on your person and be drunk. They will arrest you!
It is illegal to be drunk and sleep in your car. They will arrest you!
It is illegal to eat, drink (alcohol or not), use a handheld cell phone while driving.

In the UK you do not have the right to bear arms! No guns! No knives more than 3 inches! 
It is illegal to have a baseball bat in your car past baseball season.
It is illegal to have a real handcuffs, a baton or taser. 



  1. Wow, you are learning fast. Just to add a couple of things. You can only buy beer or wine with a meal for 16 and 17 year olds, nothing else. Ordinary police, called PCs (Police Constables) cannot carry guns either. They have to be part of CO19, the police firearms unit. Oh, and techinically the PCs don't have any special powers that the general public have i.e. they can't speed when driving to something. But they do speed all the time! Very naughty.

    Did you buy a Ford? Your car key looks just like our and we have a Ford Focus (saloon).


  2. Thanks Katie!!! The Ford is our rental car. I was surprised that the key looked like that. Mike bought a used Lexus today. It was cheap but is really nice. He is a car guy so it's his thing. I'm planning on buying a cheap little car.
