Thursday 23 June 2011

Castle Rising Castle

once upon a time... there was a castle in Kings Lynn, UK.  It was a state of the art castle in it's time. Great time and energy was put into building the defenses for this amazing castle to protect everyone inside. It was passed down from 2 different families and eventually landed into the Royal families land stash. 

During that time there was a Queen.  She was a little upset that her husband, the King, "preferred the company of men" (the tours words, not mine) so she found comfort in the arms of another. His rival in fact! The Queen and King had 1 child who was too young to know about his parents drama. The Queen sided with her lover and together they over threw the King. It's said that the Queens lover ordered the Kings murder and then together took over power of the country. They were in power for a couple months until the Child as a teenager took over being King.

The new King took revenge and killed the lover.  But he loved his mother so much that he couldn't end her life. Instead he sent her to live in Castle Rising Castle. About 2.5 hours away from London and power. The Queen was sad at first but discovered her love for the country side and the closeness of the water. She spent her remaining 30 years in the castle where her son sent her many gifts and visited often. She was the most famous person that lived in the castle.

True story of Edward II, Queen Isabella and Edward III

The End!

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